Enhancing Public Safety

Over the past sixteen years, Parsippany has seen criminal behavior negatively affect businesses and residents – an issue that affects all of us. As I talk to taxpayers in town, concerns on political interference in our public safety services, pedestrian and traffic safety issues, as well as a need for more effective communications, come up at almost every door. I believe we can support our police and fire services to better serve our residents. If elected Mayor, you will see real concrete solutions to address these concerns.

Taking action on this issue
  • I am committed to bolstering our Traffic Division to have enough Traffic Officers on the road both night and day. They would focus aggressively on distracted drivers, aggressive driving behavior, pedestrian safety both on the highways, county roads and residential neighborhoods.

  • I would also like to work with all officers of the PPD to bring back DUI Checkpoints and other focused checkpoints, such as pedestrian crosswalk safety enforcement, and distracted driver enforcement (cell phone) during summer months and during the highly traveled holiday season.

  • Members should be appointed based on their expertise and willingness to serve, not on political connections. I would seek the assistance of our specialized traffic officers to help with the selection process to make it fair and unbiased.

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Paid for by Friends of Justin Musella

39 High Ridge Rd,

Randolph, NJ 07869